Demolition Derby – –

Jack just barely gets his Wednesday post over the line – –

Wendy wrote a post last week about finding the jars of canned beans and pickles in the rubble of the demolished house next door.

But the actual process of demolition was also interesting!

On the first day a very big bulldozer arrived and began bashing in the windows and then the gable end. Within just a few hours most of the house was reduced to rubble. I was amazed at just how quickly a house that had stood for many decades (maybe a century) could be knocked down.

Then a big truck arrived and the bulldozer began grabbing bits of wood, metal and plastic and dumping them into the truck. This was actually a much slower process than just the knocking down and many days later is still continuing.

Meanwhile the dozer driver, while waiting for the truck to come back, knocked down the garage in less than an hour!

I went out to the porch for my second cup of coffee yesterday morning and wondered why I could unusually see all the way down the street. Then I realized that they’d also ripped up the tall hedge that used to separate the demolished house from the one down from it.

It’s strange how something that isn’t yours, but has been part of your life for even just five years, can affect you. Of course we have no right to say anything about it or what should be done with it.

But, yet, – – those beans and pickles – – –

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